A digital self-diagnosis online tool will be designed to self-assess the level of organizational maturity (i.e. technologies and processes) and workers (skills/practices), which will then serve to determine the needs of the blue bioeconomy companies.

This tool will be used by the project partners and the relevant stakeholders in the blue sector in each region and it will be later opened to the stakeholders in the blue sector in any region of the Atlantic Area.

Thematic workshops and blue classrooms will be organised in each country and learning experience will be shared among SMEs at a transnational level. These actions will combine face-to-face and online formats, to be made available through the project platform (Blue Innovation Digital Tool).

Development and implementation of an online tool that will act as digital enabler for the digitalisation of the Blue Bioeconomy in the Atlantic Area, and on which all project activities will be carried out.

Tool components will be:

  • Digital maturity assessment: this tool will analyse the current and potential degree of digitalisation on organisation processes and personnel skills in the selected sectors.
  • Maturity mapping – processes and practices: benchmarks to have a picture of the comparative situation among organizations with different levels of maturity, resources and activities. The tool will be available to any organisation in the Atlantic Area after the project (self-diagnosis online tool).
  • Portal for assimilating, negotiating, confirming and publishing Challenge areas.
  • The launch of open call processes for digital enablers to propose solutions to challenges in the field of digitalisation defined by companies / other actors from the Quadruple Helix in the blue bioeconomy sector.
  • Portal for submitting solutions to these challenges.
  • Co-design area for testing and assessing solution concepts: matching between the demand and the supply of technological solutions in the blue bioeconomy sector.
  • Virtual social space to support community knowledge exchange and co-design: networking among the different QH stakeholders to foster synergies and cooperation.
  • Virtual digitalisation life-cycle – mapping the digital enablers to the blue application, integrating innovation and entrepreneurship process flows so that this creates pathways to implementation.
  • Portal for providing capacity building activities for the digitalisation of the blue bioeconomy sector.

Include Blue Skills Classrooms are thematic workshops (3 workshops and 90 participants) and blue classrooms (16 actions and 130 participants)where learning experience will be shared among SMEs at a transnational level. These actions will combine face-to-face and online formats.

Online pills of information will also be produced to include on the digital tool.

Section/tab for mentor group and module development (Prepare to the communication of the idea; Validation of the value proposition; Mentoring, interaction, and feedback to present the idea/value proposition to the jury. This will include a workshop with guest speakers on: a) design thinking; b) business idea; c) pitch))

Blue Shuttle community, where the Actors of the Quadruple helix will participation in the network through the Digital Innovation Tool.

Programme of networking activities: Programme of networking activities to be developed during the project to encourage QH actors to collaborate, create synergies and exchange experience.

Networking activities report: Report on the networking activities developed by the Blue Innovation Network to promote the cooperation among QH actors linked to the Marine Living resources and Blue biotechnology, including the main indicators in relation to the activities implementation, such as the type of activity, number of participants, etc. as well as the main results achieved.


The call for challenges will be published in the project platform (Blue Innovation Digital Tool). A call for challenges form, as well as the instructions to fill it in.

The selected challenges will be published in the Blue Innovation Digital Tool, just as the call for solutions.

Video of challenges for dissemination.

Report including the results of this activity will be produced.

Events program. Transnational Open Innovation event.

Report on the event and the solutions selected.

The results of the pilot projects will be available on the Digital Innovation Tool and transferred to the stakeholders and companies of the targeted sectors.

Pilot projects results report: Report describing the results and main conclusions of the 4 pilot projects carried out (one in each territory), by the technological project partners in collaboration with start-ups and other QH stakeholders.

Transferability video: Video about the development and main conclusions of the pilot projects to promote the transfer of results to SMEs of the target sectors.

Events program. Events to present the pilot projects results in the four territories.