Blue Shuttle aims to speed up the use of digital technology in the blue bioeconomy sector in the Atlantic Area. Partners plan to do this by creating a Blue Innovation Network that involves a Quadruple Helix approach. This means including different types of people and organizations in the process.
The main focus is to come up with a wide-ranging strategy for innovation, making it easier for the Blue Bioeconomy sector to use digital solutions. This will help make their processes more efficient and sustainable, as well as encourage creative and practical solutions to improve competitiveness and resilience.
The specific areas they’ll be concentrating on are Marine living resources and Blue biotechnology.
The project will happen in three steps:
Find out who’s involved, gather good practices, and create a network for innovation.
- Stakeholders mapping
- Best practices
- Creation of Stakeholder’s Group
Figure out what technology and skills the blue sector needs to provide specific help and training. They’ll also create a digital platform to make this analysis and development easier.
- Blue Innovation Digital Tool.
- Mentoring Activities to support the uptake of advanced technologies.
Boost innovation by running programs where everyone can contribute ideas and try out new projects to see what works best.
- Call for Challenges.
- Open Innovation Event.
- Call for digital and technological solutions.
- Pilot Projects.